Alberico Sabbadini
Alberico Sabbadini is a postdoc at the Cognitive Robotics department, within the Mechanical, Maritime and Material Engineering at Delft University of Technology. After completing a B.Sc. in physics at the University of Milan, in 2014 he moved to the Netherlands to follow a M.Sc. degree in Physics at Leiden University. At the end of his degree he carried out two Master thesis projects on mechanical metamaterials, one at Leiden University and one at Harvard University, where he investigated reconfigurable soft structures. He then pursued a PhD at the faculty of Applied Physics of Delft University of Technology in collaboration with Erasmus Medical Center Rotterdam, under the supervision of dr. Martin Verweij. Here he researched the interactions between mechanical properties of the heart and wave propagation, to develop ultrasound-based non-invasive diagnostic techniques.
In 2021, Alberico joined the Cognitive Robotics department in the group of dr. Michael Wiertlewski, where he investigates new actuation and locomotion mechanisms for soft robots based on the combination of wave mechanics in soft metamaterials.