Cosimo Della Santina
Cosimo Della Santina is Assistant Professor at Cognitive Robotics (CoR), TU Delft. He received his PhD in robotics (cum laude, 2019) from University of Pisa. He was then a visiting PhD student and a postdoc (2017 to 2019) at the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL), Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). From 2020, he is affiliated to the German Aerospace Centre (DLR) as external research scientist. For the first eight months of the same year he also held a post doc position at the department of Mathematics and Informatics, Technical University of Munich (TUM). He is now a guest lecturer at the same university.
Cosimo has been awarded with euRobotics Georges Giralt Ph.D. Award (2020), and the “Fabrizio Flacco” Young Author Award of the RAS Italian chapter (2019). He also has been a finalist of the European Embedded Control Institute PhD award (2020).
His main research interests include (i) Modelling for Control and Model Based Control of Soft Robots, (ii) Combining Machine Learning and Model Based Strategies with application to soft robotics, (iii) Soft Robotic Hands/prostheses.