Mostafa Atalla
I believe that receiving a high standard medical treatment is a right for every human being! This belief shaped my interest in the medical device technology which inspired me to advance my mechanical engineering undergraduate studies by pursuing my MS degree in Robotics Engineering in the U.S. through the prestigious Fulbright scholarship program. Throughout my MS program, I worked on several medical-oriented projects including wearable assistive devices and needle-size continuum wrists for surgical applications. Moreover, I had the chance to intern twice at Philips Research North America where I worked on developing a mechanical-vibration-based ultrasound elastography probe as well as developing an endovascular robotic platform for research purposes. These experiences motivated me to take the next step in my academic career by joining the research group of Medical Instruments and Bio-Inspired Technology in the faculty Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering at TU Delft as a PhD researcher where I am investigating how to actively modulate the frictional properties of catheters. My ultimate goal is to contribute along with my fellow researchers towards developing more affordable, accessible and safer medical technology.